Who is ‘Freewheel Weekends’ for?

FWW is for travellers who are curious and culturally-engaged. It’s aimed at users of manual wheelchairs who are predominantly independent.


Who makes Freewheel Weekends?

It’s made by Ryan Smith, a designer a marketer who uses a wheelchair. It’s a labor of love and is self-funded.

He runs onep1xel – a digital design studio, and Mention Mobility – an accessibility communications agency.

So you’re travel consultants?

Not really – we don’t arrange or book travel. We write about Melbourne’s spaces and places, destinations and experiences - making recommendations and accessibility notes.


It’s a city guide?

Well, yeah. There are 2 main parts to FWW -
The Directory – These are listings, facts and brief notes about places we’ve visited; restaurants, galleries, gardens, hotels, etc.
FWW Features – Here you’ll find recommendations, reviews and opinion pieces.


What are the letters on the listings pages?

They’re shorthand for common accessibility factors – they’re explained here.


Do you rate experiences, hotels, restaurants, etc?

We don’t have a rating system – there’s no ‘stars’ in Freewheel Weekends. We write about our experiences & recommend accessible, safe & welcoming destinations and their staff. We only feature experiences we think you’ll enjoy.


Is it just for weekends?

Nope. The experiences and places we write about are not bound by days. They’re our suggestions and recommendations for enjoyable travel moments; regardless of time.


What cities do you feature?

We’re beginning with Melbourne and will branch out to other cities too.

Can you list my accessible venue?

Probably! Shoot us an email & we’ll check it out.


Do you write for travel publications?

We’d love to, head to the contact page and tell us about the details.