Rock Steady Records
You don’t have to watch ‘High Fidelity’ to know there’s something special about records. The sleeve, the vinyl and of course the sound is just something else. We found a purveyor of these magical discs upstairs in the city.
Located in Mitchell House, Rock Steady is a music-lover’s paradise and it’s right in the CBD. Up one floor via the lift on Lonsdale street you’ll find this vinyl goldmine. It’s easy to get around with hard floor and ample room for browsing the rows of records. It might be tough to reach the back but Pat will happily help out. He’s Rock Steady’s owner & worked in and around Melbourne music for decades.
His sort of expertise & knowledge is hard to find. Pat will talk your ear off about classic and new reggae, soul, funk, jazz or hip hop. He knows about pressing plants, rare records, local releases. He knows music. There’s a special appreciation of local acts too – supporting the known and the new in the Australian scene.
Occasionally there are intimate gigs in the store. Rock Steady hosted a Jen Cloher set relatively recently. And there’s some cool hardware on sale – beautiful turntables & signed bits and bobs. Subscribers to Independent radio stations RRR & PBS are entitled to a discount. Support local a business when you support a local artist.
(Thanks Pat)
Step-free / Lifts
Good: The knowledge & range
Not so: Couldn’t reach the record players (which might be a good thing)
January 2018
Pat is usually smiling.
The are a few signed photos & bits along with some immaculate turn-tables.
Support a local muso and a local business at the same time.
Self-opening doors at Mitchell House.
Good width to peruse the merchandise. Pat is good for a recommendation or 20.
A lunchtime look.
Mitchell House from St. Francis’ Church. Corner of Elizabeth and Lonsdale.
Rock Steady Records
Mitchell House, Level 1, 358 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
1800 760 070